Your Transformation awaits you
The Lean Body Re-Program is designed is to help people start to create good eating habits and identify those that do not serve their overall health and wellbeing. As it is true with moving well, eating well and fueling our bodies to build and maintain lean muscle mass is essential for hormone function, bone density, energy and longevity! Here is a plan to re-program daily habits and patterns as it pertains to dietary choices.
Pelvic Floor Re-Program
The functionality of your Pelvic Floor effects your overall health and appearance. With this work I have healed myself of Pelvic Organ Prolapse, low back pain, digestive issues, urinary incontinence and low belly bulge.
It takes a lifetime to create Pelvic Floor dysfunction but within 8 weeks, you can realize significant results!!
Booty Sculpting Re-Program
In this program you will get all of your glutes (booty muscles) functioning and firing properly! When our glutes are firing and functioning properly, we have a well shaped booty. When they're not, we have a flatter, droopier booty. The aesthetic is one thing, but the symptoms we endure because of non-participating booty muscles is worse. When the glutes are hibernating, we have low back pain, knee or hip pain and even low belly bulge.
Core Re-Program
Women find it challenging to shape and tone the abs. Sometimes that is due to a little bit of lingering diastasis and sometimes it is because the current regimen isn't designed to give you the results you desire!
This program is designed to heal, reprogram, reshape, strengthen and tone ALL of the abdominals!!
Everything I wish I had post partum!
This program is designed to give you exactly what you need to reprogram your body after delivering your baby vaginally or via c section. Whether you delivered yesterday or 15 years ago, this program is for you.
Through Karly's expert sequencing and cueing, each 10 minute video will reconnect your body through the muscular and respiratory systems while also reprogramming the nervous system. This is what makes this work so profound and creates lasting change!
Which Program is right for me?
*Every program will completely sculpt and reshape your body! You do not have to have pelvic floor issues to do them.
All of the offerings from Karly under the umbrella of “KT Method” are pelvic floor focused so you really can’t go wrong with any of them! Here is a helpful way to decide which program is best for YOU.
If you are leaking urine related to and unrelated to stress (sneezing, jumping) have some back pain and/or hip discomfort and laxity in the lower abdominals, the Pelvic Floor Re-Program is the way to go. This 8 week program will give you a total body re-programming transformation to pull you out of the habits and patterns that led to the dysfunction and will strengthen you in patterns of optimal functionality!
If you only leak with stress (sneezing, jumping), maybe have a little back discomfort every now and again, have a cute bum but wish your lower abdominals were more toned and awake, the Core Re-Program is the one for you!
If you only leak with stress, have a flat bum and know you have strong abs but they don’t look that way right now, the Glutes Re-Program is for you!